Air conditioning for the house

Feltre, Belluno - Italy
System: Split + Sinergy
Year 2023
Single house in Feltre
Energy autonomy and comfort by combining a MULTISplit system with photovoltaic and electrical energy storage.
Splits become an advantageous solution in all seasons thanks to Sinergy energy storage and photovoltaics.
The challenge
The owner of a 220 m2, 2-storey detached house, with the first floor occupied by the parents and the attic floor occupied by the owner together with his wife and 5-year-old twin sons, wanted to equip his flat with a summer cooling system.
The house, built in 2013 and insulated with 10 cm insulation on the perimeter walls and 16 cm insulation on the roof, was in fact already equipped with a boiler with storage combined with solar thermal energy to cover heating and domestic hot water production needs, but it did not guarantee comfort in summer, especially on the attic floor.

The solution
In 2021, the owner therefore decided to equip the house with a Clivet Cristallo multi-split air-conditioning system, positioning the two indoor units respectively in the open-plan living room-kitchen to cool the living area and in the corridor of the sleeping area to cool the bedrooms.
In the winter of 2022, the significant increase in the cost of gas led the owner to think: why not also use the splits to heat and make the flat independent in terms of energy?
The solution was the installation of 5 kW of photovoltaic panels combined with a 5 kWh Clivet Sinergy energy storage unit.

The results
The owner comments
“Until now I've only used the splits to cool my flat, but now that I have photovoltaics and energy storage I intend to use them for heating as well, so between the solar thermal panels combined with the storage for domestic hot water and the photovoltaic panels combined with the energy storage to cover the consumption of the splits, electricity and appliances I will finally lower my bills.”
Installed units:
- 1 MULTISplit Cristallo system with 2 indoor units
- 1 Sinergy single-phase energy storage equipped with a hybrid inverter with power of 5kW and 5 kWh storage
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